Friday, November 30, 2012

فداكي يا مصر

حتى لو مفيش امل ...حتى ان مر الزمن ... حتى لو اتبنت قيود ... و اتهدمت كل الجهود ...حتى لو ضاع حلمنا ... هنفضل نقول ده حقنا ... مش هنسلم للطاغوت .. اللي نقد كل العهود .... مش هنسيب حق الشهيد ... مينا و عماد و خالد سعيد ....انزل معايا في الميدان ... اهتف باعلى صوت و لا تبقاش جبان .....احنا شباب لا نخاف الموت .... لا يهزنا خرطوش و لا طوب ....اتعلمنا نعيش في النار ...و انت بتبني جدار و جدار ...ابني و حصن و اضرب و اقتل ....مهما هتعمل برده هكمل ....بكره هيجي بشمس جديد ... وانا و اخويا الايد في الايد ....بكره هنرفع راية النصر .. و هنحلف فداكي يامصر ....

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

ليست مجرد كلمات ...

احبك كمن لم تحب من قبل .. و لن تحب من بعد
عشقتك من نظرة عين لم اراها بعد ..
و توهجت مشاعري مع لمست يدك في البعد ..

احلم و انتظر لقاءك
اتبسم كلما ناديت اسمك
و يدق قلبي عند رؤية صورتك

تمنيت ان اكون معك ابدا
و لا اذوق طعم الفراق امدا

تمنيت ان اكون سحابة تظلل عليك
او شمس النهار في ليلة شتاء تدفئك
او نور القمر في ليلة مظلمة يضيء من حولك

تمنيت ان اكون وردة تقطفها
او نغمة تنشدها
او قطرة ماء ترويك
او حتى حرف تنطق به شفتيك

حبيبي اءنت حلم ام حقيقه؟ !!
اتشعر بحبي ام انا مجرد صديقة ؟!!
صديقة عابرة لا تعطي للصداقة حقها
تأتي صدفة ثم تختفي و لا يكن لها باقية
فإن احببتني فأشفق عليا و لا تتركني .. اكون لك جارية
و تكون ملك في كوني ...
اعطيك حبي و عمري ...
 فانت عيني و قلبي ...
و الحياة من دونك خاوية ...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


سحرتني قبل ان ينطق لسانك بالكلام
و اسرتني عيونك بالعشق و الحنان
و جذبتني شفتيك جذب النسيم للورد في البستان
و كلامك لا اجد ما اقوله من بعده من كلام
اما حبك فلا يوجد له في الكون مثال

اتخيلك في منامي امير يخطفني على حصان  
فنذهب لجزيرة بعيدة عن الانظار
فلا افارقك في الليل و لا في النهار
و نبقى الى الابد سويا و تجمعنا الاقدار


لا يوجد بعد حبك شقاء
 و لم يعد للدموع في العين بقاء
و مع كل دقة قلب ازداد اشتياق
و لكن ما اخاف منه ان يأتي يوم الفراق

احتضني فانت كل ما يتمناه قلبي
و المس يدي حتى اشعر بالحياة في جسدي
و انظر في عيني فأنا لا ارى أحد غيرك من حولي
و كل ما اتمناه ان تكون لي, فأوهبك حياتي و عمري ...

حبيبي ........

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Simply .. I love you and hardly I can leave u
Simply .. u left me and also u forgot me
But only i can trust my heart
that once was holding urs so tight
and felt that love deep inside …
my heart still hears ur heart beats
and sees my name hidden there so deep
how would I turn my back away
and leave ur love that lights up my way
how would u kill ur love inside
that gives u happiness and clears ur mind

don’t hide away from me
wherever u go ur love is attracting me
I’ll keep on hoping all my life
As long as I feel the love in ur eyes
I promise I’ll love u till I die ,
On that Moment u might ask urself “why didn’t I try ?!“
U’ll always have the chance to be
My only man and my only dream
U can make that dream comes true
And live in my loving island
Just ME and YOU

Friday, March 2, 2012


العشق اعلى درجات الحب
 عندما يريد الانسان ان يعطي حبيبه حياته ليجعله....يبتسم ...
 و انا حياتي ملكك و انت ابتسامتي ...
 فانا اريد ان اضحي بكل حياتي في سبيل هذه الابتسامه ...
لانها الابتسامه التي احيتني و اشرقت حياتي فاصبحت اعيش لها و بها ....
فكيف استغنى عنها و امضي بلا روح بلا قلب بلا مشاعر!!!!!
... كيف اكون انسانه !!  .....
 ساتحول الى جسد حطب يموت و ينحول الى تراب ...
 بك احيا و لك روحي و قلبي و عقلي و لك ساضحي و اموت .....

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Don't leave me and go away

God help me in this , why I can’t be his
Oh I am feeling pain although I can’t complain
Nobody can understand , it’s really out of my hand
His love is deep inside ,I won’t get him out of my mind
At last I found his love that makes the world no more tough
He filled my life with happiness and took away all the sadness
He saw the child in me and made me crazy as I wanna be
As he looks into my eyes he can see what I try to hide
He is just the same as me, he is exactly what I wanted to be
If I was a man I would’ve been him but I am glad God made me met him
His heart is so pure , yes… he’s my only cure
I wonder if he feels the same , and if his heart is calling my name
I know what he feels inside but he’s afraid of what the future hides
The love and happiness that we can share , in this life they’re so rare
We can live each moment together even if it might not last forever
God will protect us as lovers and I am sure HE won’t let us suffer
All I wish is to be beside u so don’t go away and leave me behind u
I promise I’ll take care of u , I won’t cause u pain nor even hurt u
I’ll give u my heart and soul and be with u till u find your home
I want u to think of u and me , give us a chance and u will see
Open your heart and let me in , you won’t regret it’s not a sin
I’ll be waiting for you all my life , to save my soul and make me alive
I wish to hear from you some words , these words will make me the queen of the world
Huny you are my treasure and I will love you always and forever 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

لو كنت اعلم

لو كنت اعلم الى اي مدى سيقودني حبك 
لكنت احببتك قبل ان يبدأ العمر 
فكل الالم الذي اعيشه لحزنك 
تمحوه قطرة من حبك مدى  العمر 
و كل نظرة من عينيك 
تجعل مني ملكة لهذا الكون 
اما لمسة يديك اتخيلها كالسحر
 تجعل قلبي ينبض حتى بعد الموت 

Monday, February 20, 2012

If only i can make you smile

I can see the sun is shining but I can’t see the light
I can see people around me but I can’t feel I’m alive
I can see the birds flying but I can’t see them sing
I can see the skies are blue, wanna fly but I don’t have a wing
I can feel my heart is burning.. I can feel it deep within
And my eyes are deeply hurting from the tears I hide in it
That’s because you’ve lost your smile that I can’t live without it
And I can’t open your heart that i’ve already have it
I wish to release ur pain and get your troubles away
I wish I can find a way for me and you to run away
I wish to look in your eyes and from your lips I have a kiss
I want to drown in your arms and die in your love that I miss
If only I can make you smile and you open your heart to mine
If only you allow me in and let me live within
Baby I love you for who you are and I’m blessed to have you now
I will never ever go away .. I can’t live without you for a day
You’re my heart and soul , you’re the one I am living for 

Can't be together

How come this could happen to me
To love someone who will never be with me
He took me away so far away
To the land of love where we could stay
We shared our loved , we shared our dreams
We hoped to be together, and this would be real
The truth is that we won’t be together
But our love will last forever
I should face it and not hide
You’ll always be with her and never be mine
I hope you’ll still remember one day
My love for you will ever stay 

A lie

A lie was said years ago
Made my life the worst of all
If that lie wasn’t told
I would have been the princess of the world
She did that for her intrest
 Then she acted like an innocent
But God is above all
She couldn’t really have it all
With her lies she tried so hard
But she couldn’t win his heart
So time made her felt the pain
The pain that I’ve tasted on her game
And now I am still on her mind
Trying to deceive me and make me blind
But no more I’ll be a fool
I know I’ll beat her that’s for sure
I never trust someone who lies
For her interest and think it’s wise
There is a day for everyone
To see the return for what was done 

تخاريف اخر اليل

                                                                                                                    اذا جاء اليل و عم الظلام .. امتلا قلبي بالخوف وكرهت ان انام
و لكي اهرب من الخوف اغمض عيني فأرى الحب في كل مكان
يفتح ذراعيه مبتسما للحياه
فاتوارى بين ذراعيه و على همسات الحب انام 

كم اتمنى

كم اتمنى ان تشرق الشمس بعد ان اتى الظلام
كم اتمنى ان القاك حتى اتناسى الكلام
كم اتمنى ان اكون صغيرة كي يفتح لي قلبك الباب
كم اتمنى ان اكون اسيرة لحبك الخلاب
كم اتمنى ان ارى عينيك فاغرق في سحرهما الفتان
كم اتمنى ان اكون كلمة على شفتيك فاحتضنهما و انام
كم اتمنى ان المس يدك فاحترق من الشوق و الحنان
كم اتمنى ان امتلك قلبك و تكون لي انت الحياه
كم اتمنى ان تكون انت انت و انا انا
 و لكن في زمان غير الزمان  

i think it's magic

I keep on thinking all day long
How did I know u from not so long
Is that something wrong !!
Cause I am not that young !!!

And then I’d just answered myself
I like u not someone else
I feel I know u from years ago
Not from a day or even two
I love the real man inside of u
U r crazy but still wise and true
Although u don’t talk too much
But ur few words have a secret touch
And when u just look at me
I feel the magic is surrounding me
Then I wish u to hold me tight
To feel ur love that’s deep inside
Listen babe to my heart
It’s beating fast .. it’s beating hard
I wish my dream to become true
To say it loud “I love u “

I'll keep on dreaming

I wonder one day wud I ever see u
And I look in ur eyes and drown in to
I’ll loose the words that I want to say
Although thousand words wud never say
I wish to take u so far away
To heaven there we could stay
U’ll find the happiness deep inside
The happiness that will keep u alive
I know that’s just a dream for me
But I’ll keep on dreaming of u and me

lucky to have u ..

U came to me in my dreams
Where I was lost in a lonely place
I wondered who r u
And how u broke my heart in two
We kept on talking day and night                                       
So we got lost in track of time
And when I looked inside ur eyes
I found ur smile that u used to hide
Ur smile had touched my heart so deep
And make it start again to beat
Although I didn’t see u
But I count the days that I can be with u
Until that day would ever come
I’ll pray u would be my only one 

Get start

Sometimes u feel there is still a hope after u say u just can’t cope
And then u look to the sky above and ask urself could that be love !!!
it’s time to look inside urself and don’t pretend u r someone else
Have the faith and search so deep for the precious love u had to keep
Feel the strength to break ur chains and make ur heart feel the change
Now ur life will just get start as the love fills ur heart  

An angel

As I close my eyes and dream at night 
You always take me out of sight 

It's the place I've always wanted to go 
It's my planet , it's our home .. 

I feel everything different around me 
It's so beautiful cause you surround me 

I hear the birds , I feel the breeze 
I see the greens and the open sea 

I look above me and see the sky 
It's so pure just like your eyes 

I've been waiting for you all my life 
It's only your smile that keeps me alive 

When you hold me baby all through the night 
I feel so free as you hold me tight 

Don't close your eyes just look at me 
I want you to feel how love can be 

BUT then I woke up and found only ME 
And I wondered what was wrong with me 

I kept on searching for any clue 
And I wondered who the hell is YOU 

And then I finally realized 
You're only an ANGEL in my mind 

The reason is YOU

Sometimes I do things I don't want to do 
And you wonder what's the reason , 
the reason is simply YOU 

you came into my life 
so innocent and pure 
I gave you all my love 
It's unbelievable but true 

And now you come and say 
I don't believe in you 
I don't think you're human 
You became so tough and cruel 

So you said goodbye 
And turned away and cry 
Then you asked me why? 
Please tell me without a lie 

I couldn't hide my tears 
I had to say it without fear 
It's all for YOU my dear 
But I can't have you near 

It's the right not to be together 
And I can't have you forever 

I want you to have a normal life 
You have to think , not once but twice 

Please go baby on your way 
Don't look back cause I will stay 

I'll be watching over you 
As I promise will always do 

I love you baby you are my all 
Forever you'll be in my heart and soul 

A dream

Will u be with me tonight 
Will you dream of me day and night 
Will you walk to me in the light 
just to hold me so tight 
will u stop all the stupid fights 
and look to the bright side of life 
you r so smart and won't hide 
and you'll make it so right 
baby I am here by your side 
and never leave you till I die 

Simply ...

u made the words fly away and I can't remember what am I suppose to say 
u put a smile on my face and in my heart you have ur place 
u made the world changes around me, with no doubt cause you surround me 
i made my wish clear and true , to make u mine that's for sure 
I hope to say it up high and loud just to make u so proud 
I wish the world can hear me, when I say " I love you" so clearly 
But I'd just have to keep it inside although I want you by my side 
I wish to get into ur mind, just to know how u do it right 
But I know that deep inside u love me and trying to hide 
I know it hurts so hard to keep a secret in ur heart ..